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Interesting Life - Chance of Scholarship?

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 6:33 am
by TalA307
Hi there!

I’m planning on taking the LSAT in October. Assuming I get a 170 and I have a modest 3.7 GPA - do I have a shot at a good scholarship from NYU?

I’ve heard that having an interesting background story can help, so here are some bullet points:
- I grew up as a right-wing Orthodox Jew in the US
- Moved to Israel at 18 due to my then religious/political convictions
- Spent a few years studying Torah/Talmud literally all day and most of the night
- Served in the Israeli military
- Was one of the translators of a popular (in religious circles) translation of the Talmud (ancient as it may be, it’s still legal in nature)
- Eventually came to the conclusion that what I believed was false, and left my religion
- Came out of the closet after trying conversion therapy for a year and a half
- Got a BA in Criminology at an Israeli university while working 40 hours a week, mostly nightshifts
- volunteered to teach English at an Israeli detention center

I speak two languages fluently and can get by in 2 others.

From what I’m told, a 170+ coupled with the above should almost guarantee admission. Thing is, that won’t do me any good since there’s no way I can afford it. Can anyone weigh in on what I might be able to expect in terms of scholarships/funding? NYU is my top choice but I would love to hear about other universities that might offer me a solid scholarship.
