by jai.shr5381 Tue Jul 12, 2011 8:23 am
thanks stacey,
for replying, i was expecting your reply as well as these questions from you ,as i had read your earlier posts to queries made by others, after posting my own.
well as per my analysis here is the detailed info:
1)both exams given as per exam conditions with full essays(i never attempt an adaptive test without the essays)
2)the quant questions were new in gmat prep, and i scored q-48.
one english rc was repeated and some sc's , i had a list of 1000
sc's from scoretop and as i had finished 500 or so,and kept an error log,i saw some sentences with recognizable idioms .
3)interestingly i had scored v-37 in gmat prep, and v-34 in mgmat,
so not much of a drop here,no repeats in mgmat verbal,one question was not answered though.
maths was the problem 8 questions were not answered q-38, timing was a problem,i have analysed the maths section and am revising the topics basic and advanced from the 8-mgmat books , as per your test analysis reports and have my strong and weak
sections/questions marked as per the article you have given on Test analysis on beat the gmat
a)questions which i had got wrong while practicing the books in those topics and fundamentals, in addition to questions i got wrong/time deviation in the test and the optimum solution to each prob
b)flash cards- have finished 60 since friday:
c) i took a lot of time on probability and combination although,
i solved one question on the test, i have got a separate question bank for these so will be practising them before the second test.
feedback needed:
Need a question bank of tough maths questions!
how are the advanced math books?
any further suggestions as it is what you do between these tests that should improve your performance
for verbal analysis is still pending and i will post it later
but here is how i prepare
a)i practise sc's everyday, as it is the only section which you can prepare for in verbal and is based on pattern recognition, also a certain section of the idiom list,given in the mgmat sc book.
b)for cr and rc as both are based on reasoning ,
i practise 3 rc's with timing(2 min per q) and cr's 16 q's in 25 min
feedback needed:
can you suggest some tips on attempting tougher rc's(specially
biology one's) and cr's
or improvement in accuracy and speed in these sections.
i have got your timing charts with me from your articles so will keep them in mind
have targeted 700, so was disappointed by the outcome
by the way i am not able to sleep properly ,probably due to nerves, anyway i had taken coffee before the mgmat test.