Hi Stacy,
Thanks for the response and information provided.
I went through the links provided by you in the reply. I understand completely and agree to what you are saying.
Now, so far, i have already practiced beyond 1000+ verbal practice questions across sections, using various books and apps tried.
However, based on my history, the quant didn't really seem to be a problem for me when I took the GMATs
(q49, then q48 and q49), but I seemed to be stuck at 30v
(v30, then v27 and v29). Same was the case of the practice tests given, regardless of weather I give the full exam or just the verbal section, rushing through the rest.
Also, another point of observation was that the wrongs were not because of lack of fundamentals or something but actually because of not getting the answer correct, the GMAT way
(eg: questions like inference should be drawn completely from the para available and not use any gk assumptions which we might derive based on understanding, 'like' vs 'as' questions, not using 'whom' for living things other than humans, etc.), an information, which I couldn't seem to find in any books but only in explanations.
I would really appreciate if you can point me towards a book or some material that provides this info.
Based on this analysis only, I had come up with a plan, such that I'll give the practice tests and learn the GMAT ways first, get my standalone verbal score to a v45/ 46, post which I'll start giving the full cats, to get final output as q47/48/49 combined with a drop in verbal, due to fatigue, to a score of v42/43, whose effective output would be somewhere around 750!, a score I desire.
For some reason, this strategy seems to work for me, such that after giving 11 gmat practice tests (2 free gmatpreps, 4 princeton & 5 mgmats), rushing through the quant and focusing on verbal and its explanations, taking the fatigue factor out, I am currently ranging somewhere around 670, with a q43/44 (despite rushing through quants) and a gradual consistent increase to v37 in the 5th mgmat from v31 in the 1st.
In this course, the segregation of difficulty was as below:
Row Labels Correct Wrong Grand Total
300 - 500 1 1
500 - 600 5 2 7
600 - 700 13 10 23
700 - 800 3 7 10
Grand Total 22 19 41
Row Labels Correct Wrong Grand Total
500 - 600 1 1 2
600 - 700 7 1 8
700 - 800 18 13 31
Grand Total 26 15 41
Please advise if you still feel that I am on the wrong track and need to change something, and if yes then what and how of it?
Also, based on the information above, do you feel that in the gmat exam, from where I am right now, with the experimental questions included, will I be able to stay on atleast v37 or will there be a + or - ? I am assuming that the score obtained with focusing primarily on the standalone verbal of the mgmats would stick close since the lack of fatigue factor will be counter-balanced with the availability of the experimental questions. Am I right with this thought?
Also, unfortunately, I seem to have exhausted all of the mgmat exams and I need more.
Can you please help me point out where can I get them as well?
For now, I am re-setting and continuing with the hope that only some and not majority of the questions will be repeated such that I continue on the learning curve. Thoughts?