I have some queries regarding testing strategies for the GMAT. I have attempted 2 CAT exams thus far and noted the following:
1) For my CAT 2 exam, I encountered 3/31 level 700-800 Quant questions, and 26/36 level 700-800 Verbal questions. Overall, I got 18/31 correct answers for Quant and 20/36 correct answers for Verbal. In the end, I scored Q43 and V34.
However, the discrepancy between 3 and 26 just seems too large, I got almost 10x more difficult questions in Verbal but scored much higher in Quant.
2) As previously mentioned, for my CAT 2 exam I encountered 26/36 level 700-800 Verbal questions and scored V34. For my CAT 1 exam, I encountered 19/36 level 700-800 Verbal questions and scored V35.
Not as drastic as Quant vs Verbal, but 7 more difficult questions is quite substantial. However, I did answer more questions correctly near the end for CAT 1 as compared to CAT 2, and that likely played a large part in my final score.
I understand that the scores for the Quant and Verbal sections use the same number range but the scale itself is not actually the same, and that the GMAT is an adaptive "where you end is what you get" test. With this in mind:
With regards to 1), is it the case that it is just much harder to score in Verbal overall? Otherwise, it seems that I am getting a higher score for Quant because the questions were easier (only 3 difficult questions!). Do I need to focus more study efforts towards Verbal and successfully score for much harder questions for it as compared to Quant in order to get a higher score?
With regards to 2), would it be a better strategy to go faster at the start and spend more time getting the second half of the questions correct since "where you end is what you get"? From my experience in these 2 CATS, it seemed to not matter that I was getting much of the difficult questions right in the middle.
I hope that you may advice me on what is a good strategy to use to prepare for the GMAT exam going forward based on these experiences that I just had. Thank you!