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Challenge Problem November 2, 2009: Sum to 75 - Amended

by marc.gagnon Fri May 27, 2011 1:40 am

The answer provided to the question stem is very detailed and helpful for the approach given.

With that, can you help me to understand whether there is a non-brute force approach that can be taken.

Challenge Problem November 2, 2009: Sum to 75 - Amended
How many different sets of positive square integers, each greater than 1, add up to 75?
ManhattanGMAT Staff
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Joined: Fri Feb 05, 2010 10:57 am

Re: Challenge Problem November 2, 2009: Sum to 75 - Amended

by jnelson0612 Sat May 28, 2011 3:32 pm

Zoinks, what a question. Frankly, I don't see another way to do it aside from the strategy that is outlined. My only two cents on this one would be that if you have to guess, guess higher. The number of solutions of this type of problem tends to be on the higher side, since there are usually some that the average test taker does not consider.
Jamie Nelson
ManhattanGMAT Instructor