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Circular permutation and Permutation of N dissimilar items

by jp.jprasanna Mon May 14, 2012 2:25 pm

hi - Can some one help me understand the below formulas pls with an example or 2!

The total number of permutations of n dissimilar things taken r at a time with repetitions = n^r

- How can we post 3 dissimilar letter in 4 different box!?

1 letter has 4 positions so has the 2nd and 3rd letter?

so 4 * 4 * 4 that is essentially 4^3

In case we have 3 similar letters in 4 different box? Is the below equation correct

4! / 3! * 1!

Do you have any GMAT like problems / GMAT problems I can use to see how it works?

No. of circular permutations of n things taken all at a time = (n - 1)!

4 people can be arranged in a round chair !

(4-1)! = 3!

But Do you have any GMAT like problems / GMAT problems I can use to see how it works?

No. of circular permutations of n different things taken r at a time = nPr/r

I have no idea why we divide here by r?

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Re: Circular permutation and Permutation of N dissimilar items

by tim Sat May 26, 2012 9:36 pm

"The total number of permutations of n dissimilar things taken r at a time with repetitions = n^r
- How can we post 3 dissimilar letter in 4 different box!?
1 letter has 4 positions so has the 2nd and 3rd letter?
so 4 * 4 * 4 that is essentially 4^3"

This approach is correct, but the scenario you describe is not consistent with the description you gave - with repetition, this example would essentially allow letter 1 to go in three different boxes if it were chosen three times in a row. Perhaps a better example would be to ask how many sequences of three rolls you could get from a 4-sided die.

"In case we have 3 similar letters in 4 different box? Is the below equation correct
4! / 3! * 1! "

This works as long as no box can contain more than one letter.

"Do you have any GMAT like problems / GMAT problems I can use to see how it works?"

There are quite a few of these problems in our Word Translations strategy guide (4th edition) or Number Properties (5th edition).

"No. of circular permutations of n things taken all at a time = (n - 1)!
4 people can be arranged in a round chair !
(4-1)! = 3! "

Correct, but I've never seen any GMAT problems that utilize this concept.

"No. of circular permutations of n different things taken r at a time = nPr/r
I have no idea why we divide here by r?"

I'm not sure what you mean by circular permutations, but this formula doesn't apply to any scenario I'm aware of.
Tim Sanders
Manhattan GMAT Instructor

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