For the follwing questions could someone please help figure out the best option and why.
1. David tried a handfull of desserts from the table, which ultimately gave him an upset stomach.
Possible options:
a)David tried a handfull of desserts from the table, giving him an upset stomach.
b)David tried a handfull of the table's desserts, which ultimately gave him an upset stomach.
2.The quick-witted hostess pitched a tent over the garden party,a way to protect the guests from the imminent rain.
Possible options:
a)The quick-witted hostess pitched a tent over the garden party,to protect the guests from the imminent rain.(adverbial phrase,modifying the act of pitching)
b)The quick-witted hostess pitched a tent that protected the guests at the garden party from the imminent rain.
3. The connection between regular exercise and peforming well in school continues to elude us.
Possible options:
a) The connection between exercising regularly and peforming well in school continues to elude us.
b) The connection between regular exercise and good peformance in school continues to elude us.