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Convert the number 11411411 mathematically to the word blue

by peter.willems1 Mon Aug 08, 2011 6:34 am

I would like help mathematically representing the following calculation.

My goal was to convert 11411411 mathematically to the word blue and have a story behind each step. I have the story and reasoning for each number in my steps but I don’t have a clue how to make it into an equation. Can anyone change the following into an equation?

Start with 11411411. Add the first and second digit (1+1), then the second and third (1+4), then the third and fourth.....etc of 11411411 and you get 2552552, divide this by 11, minus 11411, minus 8424 and you get 212215.182.

To convert 212215.18 to the word blue you take the numbers and convert them to their position in the alphabet, 2=B, 12=L, 21=U, 5=E and the .182 is left over unfortunately but that’s ok because I have a story behind that number unless there is a way of removing it. The numbers and word blue have to do with a family event and it would blow my kids minds (who love maths) if I could show them the above as an equation :)

Is it possible to write any or all of this as a single equation?
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Re: Convert the number 11411411 mathematically to the word blue

by jnelson0612 Fri Aug 19, 2011 6:48 pm

Peter, I've thought about this and the only way you could *maybe* do this is with some kind of function. However, this is so far out of the scope of the sort of math that someone would encounter on the GMAT that I'm afraid we're not going to be much help, since we need to focus on concepts that will help someone solve problems on the GMAT. Good luck with this!
Jamie Nelson
ManhattanGMAT Instructor