Verbal questions from any Manhattan Prep GMAT Computer Adaptive Test. Topic subject should be the first few words of your question.
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CR - Ergonomic Society

by paresh.bafna1186 Mon Mar 17, 2014 4:10 am

The Ergonomic Society conducted a study that indicated that many people develop severe back problems during adulthood, and that virtually all such people who received chiropractic treatment showed great improvement. Therefore, in order to minimize the proportion of the population that suffers from back pain, the Ergonomic Society recommended that chiropractic treatment be directed toward those adults who suffer from severe back problems.

Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?

A. Any person who receives chiropractic treatment for back pain may also benefit from other forms of treatment.

B. Large insurance carriers cover chiropractic care for back problems to a lesser degree than they do other medical treatments.

C. Individuals who receive chiropractic or other treatment prior to developing severe back problems are not less likely to develop back pain than those who do not.

D. Chiropractic treatment is more effective in treating severe back problems when utilized over a long period of time, as opposed to sporadically.

E. Severe back pain and other problems often cause individuals to miss workdays.

I came across this question on CAT and chose D as the answer, which is incorrect. I went through a couple of threads to understand why C is the OA, but still I am not convinced with the explanation there. Can anyone from the staff (Ron, Stacey?) give a very simple explanation to this question ? Many thanks!
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Re: CR - Ergonomic Society

by RonPurewal Tue Mar 18, 2014 9:40 am

paresh.bafna1186 Wrote:I went through a couple of threads to understand why C is the OA

Please post on one of the threads you read. Do not create a new thread if one already exists.
(Also, please read the forum rules.)

When you post on an existing thread, please indicate what you still don't understand.
"I'm still not convinced" is not something to which we can give a meaningful response; please give some indication as to what doubts still exist in your mind.
