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Re: CR: Manatee

by RonPurewal Thu Sep 18, 2014 4:41 am

The size of the boats isn't the issue.

Why are you singling out the size of the boats, and ignoring "many more trips" + "fragile habitat"? Interesting.

If a habitat is "fragile" and you disturb it much more frequently, then... you fill in the rest.
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Re: CR: Manatee

by sandeepr433 Sun Apr 10, 2016 3:23 pm

Hi Ron,

I want to know the quantitative aspect of "many".
If "many" is replaced by "most' in option A,then A would be an equal weakener as E.
However,if many" is replaced by "some",then the option A would be Irrelevant.

Now,when "many" is used,should it be considered as <50% or >50% or any random number?

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Re: CR: Manatee

by RonPurewal Sat Apr 16, 2016 1:47 am

"many" is used to mean, essentially, "not vanishingly few, but not most".

so, basically,
(tiny percentage) < "many" < 50%

...but, if you have to pick apart the quantitative meanings of words like "many", then you are approaching these problems in absolutely the wrong way.
you should NEVER have to resort to this kind of quantitative nit-picking on a CR problem.
after all, this is the whole reason why there are TWO SECTIONS on this exam! the verbal section specifically ISN'T the quantitative section. so, if you are thinking in a way that's distinctly quantitative—especially if it's this detailed/subtle—then you are probably missing something MUCH more fundamental/black-and-white/straightforward.
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Re: CR: Manatee

by sandeepr433 Mon Apr 18, 2016 10:19 pm


I went wrong in ignoring "some" in the options,so I did a little of unnecessary research work on the words-"some","many",and "most".

Thanks Ron :)
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Joined: Tue Aug 14, 2007 8:23 am

Re: CR: Manatee

by RonPurewal Wed Apr 20, 2016 12:06 pm

when you think about these things, please keep in mind the purpose of this exam as a whole!
the critical reasoning problems are meant to test your ability to do actual critical reasoning! they're not meant to test your ability to nit-pick quasi-mathematical words.