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Data Sufficiency - intergers

by shanthissv Thu May 20, 2010 12:39 am

If A Is positive integer; is A+17,283 is odd

1. A -192,489,358,935 is odd
2. A/4 is not an even integers

Answer: A

I guess "D"

Anyone has explanation....
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Re: Data Sufficiency - intergers

by mschwrtz Thu Oct 28, 2010 5:58 pm

If A Is positive integer; is A+17,283 is odd
rephrase as Does A+odd=odd? or simply as Is A even?

1. A -192,489,358,935 is odd
Rephrase as A-odd=odd or simply as A is even.
Sufficient, eliminate BCE

2. A/4 is not an even integers
Rephrase as A is not divisible by 8.
Not sufficient, some numbers not divisible by 8 are even, and others are not.
Answer A