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DS problem

by paltechno Mon Sep 26, 2011 11:12 am

What is the value of │x + 7│?
(1) │x + 3│= 14
(2) (x + 2)sq = 169

The correct ans is D. I am not convinced with the ans as (2) is sufficient.
(1) when x+3 --> (+)ve --> x+3 = 14; x=11
when x+3 --> (-)ve --> x+3= -14; x=-17
Means not sufficient, but my ans is incorrect! Seems my approach is wrong. Help me out.
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Re: DS problem

by mba.dream.2013 Fri Sep 30, 2011 11:52 am

I agree - Neither statement 1 or 2 is sufficent by itself.

(2) (x+2)^2 = 169 => x = 11 or -15

so I per my analysis answer should be (C) and 1+2 suffice the requirement.
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Re: DS problem

by jnelson0612 Sat Oct 29, 2011 11:45 pm

mba.dream.2013 Wrote:I agree - Neither statement 1 or 2 is sufficent by itself.

(2) (x+2)^2 = 169 => x = 11 or -15

so I per my analysis answer should be (C) and 1+2 suffice the requirement.

I agree with this; I get C also with the only possible x as 11.
Jamie Nelson
ManhattanGMAT Instructor