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DS question on properties of numbers

by wonhwajung0204 Thu Sep 12, 2013 10:45 pm

If r and s are positive integers, is r/s an integer?

1) every factor of s is also a factor of r.

2) every prime factor of s is also a prime factor of r.

Im having trouble understanding this question. My answer choice was E because I don't know how to distinguish if R is > or < S. How do you know the direction of signs by statements provided?

P.S. English is my second language, maybe that is why I am not fully understanding the context and meaning behind the sentence structures.
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Re: DS question on properties of numbers

by RonPurewal Thu Sep 12, 2013 11:56 pm

"Every factor of s" includes s itself, so statement 1 implies that s is a factor of r. Therefore, in statement 1, s < r.

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