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by Ruben Fri Aug 08, 2008 2:04 pm

Hi All,

Can anyone please help me with this expression?

1-( 1/x-1) + 2/(1-x^2)


Posts: 19744
Joined: Tue Aug 14, 2007 8:23 am

Re: Equation

by RonPurewal Wed Sep 17, 2008 4:42 am

Ruben Wrote:Hi All,

Can anyone please help me with this expression?

1-( 1/x-1) + 2/(1-x^2)



it's not clear exactly what you want to do with that expression.

are you trying to put it over a common denominator?
if so, then the common denominator is 1 - x^2, because that's the product (1 - x)(1 + x). note that (x - 1), the denominator of the second fraction, is the negative of (1 - x), so you can rewrite -1/(x - 1) as +1/(1 - x).
therefore, we have

1 + 1/(1 - x) + 2/((1 - x)(1 + x))

multiply the first fraction by (1 - x)(1 + x) on top and bottom, and multiply the second fraction by (1 + x) on top and bottom:

(1 - x^2)/((1 - x)(1 + x)) + (1 + x)/((1 - x)(1 + x)) + 2/((1 - x)(1 + x))

which simplifies to

(3 + x - x^2) / ((1 - x)(1 + x))

i think that's about as good as it gets.