sojiz02, start here: ... an-part-1/Make sure to read both parts (second part linked at the end of the first part)
In particular, start by analyzing your practice test to figure out strengths and weaknesses (article explaining how to do this is linked in the above article). Also, pay lots of attention to the How To Learn section in the second half of the article. Then come back here to ask questions, tell us about yours trengths and weaknesses, etc.
futurebluejay, did you post in this folder or in another one? I'm usually able to answer posts in this folder within about one week, but other folders have higher traffic and people wait longer for replies.
Last CAT ideally is 1 week before, same time of day, exactly like the real thing. If that particular day doesn't work, you can do it sometime around then - but the LAST day you can take it is 5 days before the real thing. :)
And now I'm reading the rest of your post and you're planning to take it 1 week before, so perfect! (And your test is in 2 days now. Good luck! Let us know how it goes!)