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Deo et Patriae
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GMAC "Select Section Order" Pilot Program

by Deo et Patriae Mon Jan 11, 2016 12:17 pm

Dear MGMAT community et al,

At the outset, I apologize if this is the wrong forum to post this in.

I received an invitation by email today from GMAC to participate in a limited-time (Feb 23 to Mar 8) pilot program that allows one to have some flexibility in the order they take the sections of the GMAT.

There are four options:

1. Quant, Verbal, IR, AWA
2. Quant, Verbal, AWA, IR
3. Verbal, Quant, IR, AWA
4. AWA, IR, Verbal, Quant

The score one receives from this pilot program will be a valid score and will be reported like any other GMAT score (e.g. Official Score Report will be the same as previous GMAT score reports) with the exception of a different "Exam Series" code which is used for internal processing only. In other words, schools will not know that there was anything different about this GMAT exam.

As I am sure anyone who is familiar with the exam already knows, mental fatigue is a definite factor on the GMAT. Having the option to tackle one's "hardest" section at the beginning when one is at their most alert/fresh could have a significant impact on performance.

Obviously, it is still too early to speculate, but my gut feeling tells me that there is a very good chance that this feature will get positive reviews from the people who participate in the pilot program and could be implemented in future versions of the GMAT.

Has anyone else received an invitation or otherwise heard anything about this program?

P.S. I am done with the GMAT - I ended with a score that was below my initial target score but good enough to apply in Round 2. However, a part of me is curious about this pilot program and considering taking the exam one last time for fun as a personal challenge. There is also the allure of being able to list "99 percentile" in parenthesis next to my GMAT score (which my current score obviously does not allow).
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Re: GMAC "Select Section Order" Pilot Program

by MatthewC626 Mon Jan 11, 2016 11:17 pm

I received the invite and will take the pilot test in early march. A great initiative
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Re: GMAC "Select Section Order" Pilot Program

by Enrique17 Wed Jan 13, 2016 9:53 pm

I actually found the GMAC invitation email in my inbox after reading @Stacey Koprince's related article:( ... MAT%20Blog)

To think that I opened Manhattan's Website today for reference on GRE format, as I am considering taking the GRE instead of the GMAT after a failed 3rd try to increase my quant score (which does not have to go up that much per the ponderation of a Verbal Score above the 90th percentile). I guess this pilot test option is at least worth considering.
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Re: GMAC "Select Section Order" Pilot Program

by Black5879 Thu Jan 14, 2016 10:00 pm

MatthewC626 Wrote:I received the invite and will take the pilot test in early march. A great initiative

Sounds like a great opportunity! Pity I didn't get the update us on how the format goes for you!
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Re: GMAC "Select Section Order" Pilot Program

by StaceyKoprince Sat Jan 16, 2016 6:10 pm

Enrique17, thanks for posting that link. Agreed that it is definitely worth considering.

For those of you who did receive the invite and decide to take advantage of the offer, I would love to hear how it goes and what you think.
Stacey Koprince
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Re: GMAC "Select Section Order" Pilot Program

by Grg1516 Fri Jan 29, 2016 9:52 am

Hi all
Order selection is a great initiative by GMAC and the score will be considered valid. Would the school know that the score is part of a pilot program?

Thanks :)
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Re: GMAC "Select Section Order" Pilot Program

by StaceyKoprince Sat Jan 30, 2016 6:50 pm

Nope, they'll have no idea. There won't be any indication on the score report!
Stacey Koprince
Director, Content & Curriculum