I know this is a very general question but I'm hoping someone can shine some light on this issue. I like to think that I am a very good math student and my mba.com gmat prep tests were regularly shooting out 48-50 Quantitative scores. I have just took the Gmat this past weekend (2nd time) and for the second time my quant score came back as 44. I could definitely tell the first time aroundthat the math was simply harder then what I had originally seen on the prep software but it wasn't until the second time I took the test that I realized that there seems to be a trend of extremely difficult 1. number properties 2. exponents/inequality hybrid 3. probability problems.
While it is obvious that these subjects are fairly important, the point I am trying to make is that they seem to be even more difficult/common then what is offered in the prep softwares.
While doing a little research I have read on one of your sites that the 13th OG shows a shift in focus. Is this true? I am weighing my options of whether to take it a final time to break the 700 mark, and if my math jumps up a few points then I will definitely be there. Thanks.