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help me with my 'Analysis of an Argument'

by dvdhlzr614 Fri Aug 12, 2011 7:56 pm

"The private firm Trashco provides refuse-pickup and disposal as well as recycling services for the town of Plattsburg. Trashco’s total fees for these services are about two thirds what Hillsville pays Ridco for the same services. In order save enough money to construct a refuse transfer station within our city limits, Hillsville should discontinue using Ridco’s services and use Trascho’s services instead."
It makes little to no sense for Hillsdale to request for its residents to switch to Trashco, which is only two-thirds cheaper than Ridco. Does Hillsdale really need a refuse transfer station? What have they been doing until now? Does Plattsburg have the same kind of facility? Why does Hillsdale need a transfer station more than Plattsburg? Hillsdale may be a bigger town than Plattsburg, and therefore, needs the transfer station to create quicker and more efficient progress. If a transfer station is required, it must mean that until now, Hillsdale had no problem using the more costly service Ridco and then they woke up and realized things were going to slow. A transfer station could be a costly endeavor and switching from Ridco to Trashco may not create enough of a savings to invest in such an endeavor. Hillsdale should have been using Trashco from the beginning if they’d only foreseen any issue that would cause them to switch to Trashco. Additionally, assuming Hillsdale and Plattsburg are located in the United States in 2011, the mayor has no control over what trash service the individual citizens use. People have free choice and demanding that they switch the service they’re using so the city can pay for a station. It is understandable that the Hillsdale city council seeks out the mayor for assistance because heads of state usually have more influence over the people than the city council does. The city council should be requesting the taxpayers, the people who are ultimately paying for the transfer station to switch and bring the benefits of having a transfer station and creating a relationship with the Trashco Company to help promote people switching over to them. However, the Hillsdale city council’s request is illogical for several reasons. First of all, having to pay more to Ridco means higher tax rate and ultimately more money to save for the transfer station. Secondly, the Trashco Company is presumably physically closer to Plattsburg than it is to Hillsdale

I timed myself thats why it looks incomplete.
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Re: help me with my 'Analysis of an Argument'

by StaceyKoprince Wed Oct 26, 2011 3:06 pm

Hi, thanks for posting your essays! Just an FYI that instructors don't grade or give feedback on essays (see the forum guidelines for details).

But I certainly hope other community members respond. Also, if you're in our class, you'll have an opportunity to get essays graded and get written feedback during the course (after class 6). Finally, you can get essays graded by GMAT Write (the official essay grading service from the makers of the exam) - they'll both grade the essays and provide feedback as to how to improve (for a fee). For details and pricing, go to www.mba.com and search for GMAT Write.
Stacey Koprince
Director, Content & Curriculum