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MGMAT CAT 1 Avg score

by huaw144 Sun Jul 24, 2016 4:12 pm

Just wondering what is the average MGMAT CAT 1 score?

I scored 590 on my CAT 1 (without IR and Essay). I have not studied any GMAT materials yet other than taking a GMATPrep mock, (with IR and Essay) 600, and going through Online live course 1st class, no homework done yet, no other readings so far.

Just want to get an idea of where I am compared to others.
ManhattanGMAT Staff
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Re: MGMAT CAT 1 Avg score

by StaceyKoprince Sun Jul 24, 2016 9:47 pm

That's a great question! I have no idea. I'm not sure we've ever actually calculated that.

The mean score on the real test is about 550. So you're above average on that count!

It is possible that your score is a bit inflated because you skipped IR and essay. (Or it might not be—impossible to tell, but something to consider, that's all.)

Anecdotally, I'll say that a 590/600 with minimal study so far is a good starting point. If you are looking for a high 600s or 700 type of score, you are in a reasonable position. With dedication and work, of course. :D

The important thing to get out of your first test: a good sense of your strengths and weaknesses. Use that to help you priorize your studies as you continue to move through your studies.

Good luck! Check in and let us know how it's going!
Stacey Koprince
Director, Content & Curriculum