Study and Strategy questions relating to the GMAT.
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Navigating the Questions?

by SaniaS627 Thu Oct 06, 2016 11:36 am

This may sound stupid but I do have a very basic question as to how to get around the MGMAT student portal.

I want to do some Official guide problems related to book#5 that I have finished (Number Properties) but when I go to the HOME tab on the student center of this site >>>then click OG 2017 under OG Problems >>> It takes me to a pdf file with a list of page numbers for the Divisibiltiy and Primes problems. How do I use that pdf file with a list of question numbers? Which book is it referring to? The page numbers don't coincide with OG. In fact, there are no problem listed on those pages? I am super confused as to how to use the OG for practice problems.

I really have pretty bad math foundation so I did not even want to attempt doing the entire test yet and waste the questions. I really want to take it book by book.

Are there any questions for Number properties in the Official guide? The only questions that I was able to find were on the student center under the question banks called Question Bank - Number Properties

Please help as I am just starting out and yes I did decide to start with Number properties first instead of Algebra. I tried to do the diagnostic test and it was very intimidating to continue on. I want to go over my basics first. I am only aiming for a 500 score but I'd hate to not even be able to get that (embarrassing)
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Re: Navigating the Questions?

by StaceyKoprince Sat Oct 08, 2016 7:42 pm

It sounds like there's some kind of technical issue going on here—contact our office ( or 800.576.GMAT) to troubleshoot. I don't see any link called "OG Problems" on my home page. I do see a link called "Official Guide Problem Sets" but I can't then click to another link after that. Rather, the OG Problem Sets header links to an automatic download of a very long PDF document that lists all of the problems in the Official Guide organized by question type and content area. In this file, the numbers listed after each question type and content area are the actual problem numbers in the Official Guide, not page numbers (Page numbers are mentioned only in the paragraph at the top of each page in the PDF.)

Our office should be able to guide you to the right place and walk you through how the document works. Good luck!
Stacey Koprince
Director, Content & Curriculum