by jlucero Fri Mar 15, 2013 1:03 pm
It looks like you are a course student, so I'm going to recommend that you stick with the course syllabus and not worry (yet) about specific weaknesses. There are going to be a lot of things you are learning in this course and I doubt that when you say Number Properties is a weakness, that you are saying that it is your only weakness. The course is designed to build off each topic, so that the basic computations and algebra lessons help prepare you for word problems and probability questions. Do your best to keep up with the homework, keep track of the questions (especially from the OG) that you have the most trouble with, and by the time that the course is finished, you'll have a better understanding of a lot of different topics. And if you find yourself struggling with a particular topic from that week's homework, THEN use some of the supplemental resources, such as drill sheets (course downloads), basic or more advanced OG problems (syllabus), question banks (homework & practice), or all of the end-of-chapter review problems in the strategy guides (instead of just the odds).
After the course, take another look at your strengths and weaknesses, and the above resources to help with areas that our weaknesses.
Long story short: don't focus on weaknesses now, as you are about to take a crash course on a LOT of different topics. After the course, your weaknesses may change, but that's when it's going to be more relevant for finding ways to improve.
Joe Lucero
Manhattan GMAT Instructor