Verbal questions and topics from the Official Guide and Verbal Review books.
OG #D36 SC Parallel

OG - SC - #D36

by OG #D36 SC Parallel Sun Apr 15, 2007 5:37 pm

Hey Andrew,

Here's one from the OG on parallel construction: #D36

New data from the United States Forest Service ecologists show that for every dollar spent on controlled small scale burning, forest thinning, and the training of fire management personnel, it saves esvendollars that would not be spent on having to extinquish big fires.

This one was a little unwieldly: please verify that I'm correct for right reason

B. That for every dollar spent on controlled small-scale burning, forest thinning, and the training of fire-management personnel, seven dollars are saved that would have een spent on extinguishing - correct

C. that for every dollar spent on controlled small-scale burning, forest thining, and the training of fire-management personnel, saves seven dollars on not having to extinguish

C. no complete sentence; subject of second clause not provided - so wrong
ManhattanGMAT Staff
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Official GUide GMAT problem

by ayang Mon Apr 16, 2007 2:11 pm


You are correct in your read that answer choice (C) is unparallel (and gramatically incorrect) because of a lack of a subject or a noun that is parallel to every dollar.

Good work! :) - Andrew