by ghag.kamlesh Tue Jul 16, 2013 11:35 pm
Hello Stacey,
This is a kind of small research on my performance. I apologize for such a long - detail report.
First, I would like to answer your questions:
Your Question: One thing I'm noticing is kind of a wide range on quant - from 40 to 49 on those three highest tests. Why?
Ans: My initial answers on these tests were correct (12/15). Second, there were some 700 level questions, which I solved. Actually, I found these 700 level questions, especially PS were much more easy than I thought.
Your Question: What went better on the higher tests and what do you need to do to solidify that kind of performance?
ANS: I believe that managing time in correct way, moving on to next question, if getting stuck, and finishing strong. When I see the time spent for each question (QT+Ver) in my last two MGMAT CAT V/s earlier tests, issue of timing is significantly improved.
Your Question: What didn't go as well on GMATPrep 2 and what can you do to remedy those problems?
Ans: There were four careless mistakes on QT and these errors happened due to Time pressure + not reading properly. Solution to this is be focus. Also, the problems that I got wrong were solved correctly while reviewing in two minutes.
Your Question: Verbal has been more steady in the mid 30s, which is great. Were these tests taken under official conditions, with IR and essay?
Ans: Yes, all these CATs were written in pure official conditions, with IR and essay.
But, my RC score gets always fluctuates. In fact, in my last two tests (MGMAT CAT) my correct % is 31% whereas on SC and CR, correct% is 72% and 74% respectively. RC is my bothering area.
Analysis and Action:
1. RC -
Well, there was some anxiety and loss of focus on the last test (two RC) that decreases my Verbal score. And this challenge is bothering me for RC. Timing is also an issue here for RC. I am too fast on the answering.
So, what I am doing: 1. Making sure that I will get correct answer for Main Idea for each RC. That will count for four correct answers and targeting for remaining questions from the Inferences topics. It means that out of 12 RC, I will score minimum 4 from the main idea category questions.
2. CR -
In general, it takes me 2 min and 10 sec to solve CR question, but if I do fast then chances of selecting wrong option increases. I am too weak in Role (Bold face). At this point, I am focusing more on Assumption Family (FA + Strengthen + Weaken) and Evidence family (Inference) only.
3. SC -
Timings are alright here, 1:30 min. But, real issues with convoluted sentences. Now, I am stressing hard on major three types: Modifier, Parallelism, and Subj-verb agreement. Ron's thursday study hall, listening to your's & Tim's SC video explanation on OG archer. Since, SC has more weight (in quantity - not less than 15), so I want to en-cash that advantage. I am trying to give answers on our verbal forum.
4. DS -
Personally, I prefer this section, but I won't say I am good. In my last two MGMAT test, the correct score is 59%. Timings for correct answers - 1:48 min. vs wrong answer - 1:33. I think I should give some time before I select the option. To strengthen this section, I think revision and re-visiting the my strong areas would help, such as FDP, WP, and Geo, and Algebra. Yes, my concern area here is NP. So, I will just give touch up because now I can not learn any new concept. Time is money...for me now.
5. PS -
Correct % on last two test was 70%. Weak section on PS is NP and algebra. But, yes, timings wise alright. I guess I should see the basic and practice them topic - wise. For e.g. 5 question.
In a nutshell, what I have planned is:
1. Doing mix of activities - reading question-answers, notes, visiting forums, reviewing flash cards.
2. Practicing -
QT= 10 question sets from OG / Supplement review
Verbal - 2 RC daily with timing, Reviewing the fundamentals of SC on the preferred topics and understanding the CR questions, solving CR by keeping the time clock.
3. Analyzing - going over things I have already done, and testing my work...
I guess this is it. Kindly advice on this. Thank you once again for your consideration and time.
Best wishes.