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Please Rate My Issue Essay :: Censorship by Government

by arunkchaubey Fri Aug 12, 2011 3:38 pm

"In some countries, television and radio programs are carefully censored for offensive language and behavior.
In other countries, there is little or no censorship.

In your view, to what extent should government or any other group be able to censor television or radio
programs? Explain, giving relevant reasons and/or examples to support your position.
The issue of upto what extent a government or any other group should be able to censor television or radio programs is a contentious one. While each side has its strengths and weeknesses, I believe that a program should be carefully censored. Since the televison or radio programs are viewed or listened by society, any program or its part that hurts the sentiments of the society should be restricted to broadcast. Moreover, carefully censored approach doesn't stop the presenter to present its program but restricts the material of the program that can harm the society.

First, a carefully censored program is better for society than a program that is little or not censored. For example a recent television program about immigration and their implicatiomns in the United Kingdonm raised the concerns of immigrated communities. The program blamed immigrated communities for current unemployment and tax increments. Immediately after the program, an agitation started by different local and migrated communities. This situation could have been avoided if there were a provision to carefully censor the program before its broadcast.

Second, since radio and television are two most effective way of braodcasting, people learn and try to adopt things shown in these programs. For example a child viewing a violent program may end up learning violent behavior. If an uncensored program shows unacceptable behavior or language in the society then some people may start learning it. But if a government or any other group censors these programs, the part of the program creating the disturbance will be removed from the program. Thus, censorship makes sure that what should be shown or what should not.

Some may argue that a censorship will take away the rights of sharing the views in the society is flawed. Censorship doesn't stop to show the program but it stops the part of the program that hurts the society as a whole. If the programs are presented in their original format on certain sensitive issues without proper censorship then they could have worse effects on society.

In conclusion, a government or any other group should carefully censor the program that it doesn't hurt the sentiments of the society.
ManhattanGMAT Staff
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Re: Please Rate My Issue Essay :: Censorship by Government

by StaceyKoprince Wed Oct 26, 2011 3:05 pm

Hi, thanks for posting your essays! Just an FYI that instructors don't grade or give feedback on essays (see the forum guidelines for details).

But I certainly hope other community members respond. Also, if you're in our class, you'll have an opportunity to get essays graded and get written feedback during the course (after class 6). Finally, you can get essays graded by GMAT Write (the official essay grading service from the makers of the exam) - they'll both grade the essays and provide feedback as to how to improve (for a fee). For details and pricing, go to www.mba.com and search for GMAT Write.
Stacey Koprince
Director, Content & Curriculum
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Re: Please Rate My Issue Essay :: Censorship by Government

by thanghnvn Sat Nov 19, 2011 11:48 pm

Following is my essay. I think for issue essay, the ideas and structure can be flexible provided that we have clear ideas and structure. I am non native and can not use rich vocabulary and complex sentences. I use simple words and simple sentence to convey rich ideas. I think that is ok. I use to get 6 on toefl writing.

I am told that ideas is more important than language in essay. '

pls, comment on above thinking and on below essay. thank you.

Some persons think that government should censor television and radio programs. Other think that is not necessary. This is complex problem. My idea is clear. I think government should censor those problems.

The first reason for my idea is that the when the programs are not censored, the language and behavior will lower the moral of our society. I can give you example of this. In the country, where there is no censorship, persons speak and behave badly. They use foul language. They are easy to fight one another when they are on the street. Children are also very naughty and do not study hard. All of this bad behavior is created by the bad language and behavior which is appear every day on the television and radio programs.

In the country, where there is a censorship, persons behave differently. They use formal language. They behave elegantly. The children study hard and intelligent. Vietnam is one of those country and you can see that here every things is good and beautiful.

The second reason for my idea is that the offensive language and behavior permitted by the programs can create the civil wars. Yes, you can see that in many countries in Africa, the civil wars happen most frequently in the countries where there is no that censorship. Of course, civil war is worst thing for a country. In Vietnam, my country, when government in the South Vietnam did not censor media programs, civil war happen and the force of North Vietnam get victory. This civil war make our country poorest in the world. The new government now impose strict censorship and peace and development begin now.

In conclusion, I support that government and group should impose strict censorship on television and radio program and I think you would agree with me.
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Re: Please Rate My Issue Essay :: Censorship by Government

by thanghnvn Sun Nov 20, 2011 12:11 am

I see that the essay of arunkchaubey is quite different from my essay and ideas of arunkchaubey in his essay is nicer than those in my essay.

but I think gmat test ability to think and write not the niceness of ideas. My essay has clear ideas. That is enough. Do you think so, pls, comment.
ManhattanGMAT Staff
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Re: Please Rate My Issue Essay :: Censorship by Government

by StaceyKoprince Mon Nov 28, 2011 5:02 pm

thanghnvn, please see my response posted here:
Stacey Koprince
Director, Content & Curriculum