Viswanathan.harsha Wrote:Concerns about public health led to to the construction between 1876 and 1904 of the three separate sewer systems to serve metropolitan Boston.
A. Same
B. Concerns about public health have led to the construction of three separate sewer systems between 1876 and 1904 to serve
C. Concerns about public health have led between 1876 and 1904 to the construction of three separate sewer systems for serving
D. There were concerns about public health leading to the construction between 1876 and 1904 of three separate sewer systems serving
E. There were concerns leading between 1876 and 1904 to the constructions of three separate sewer systems for serving
I chose B but can someone explain why the dates must come before the object? Is it because if it is placed afterward, as in B, it improperly modifies the sewer systems opposed to the construction, which is correct? Also, is it wrong to say "have led" instead of just "led"? If so, can someone explain why?
Hello Instructors,
For my issue, I can not be 100.00% sure about the present perfect split for answer choices, then I move on and put my decision point on the modifier "between 1876 and 1904", the migratory word changed from choice to choice. That means I have to decide whether "between 1876 and 1904"modify "construction", "construction of three sewer system", or "led to". The original meaning relates the modifier to the construction thing, then I eliminate C&E.
"There were" is awkward and can be substracted without changing the intended meaning. Eliminate D.
The only difference between A and B is the present perfect tense and
between 1876 and 1904 of three separate sewer systems"
"construction of three separate sewer systems
between 1876 and 1904"
Since I can not handle present perfect tense, I have to tackle on the split of two modifiers quoted.
Please help with my issue, or instruct what I should learn from this case, so that I do not have to take guess.
Thank you.