I regularly do gmat prep tests and try to find the explanations. The software is only providing the OA but no explanations.
1. I am very surprised that GMAT prepa doesn't provide any explanations. We are paying around 300 USD to register for a test, we pay 50$ here and there on the mba.com website for any little thing. But a basic thing such as an explanation is not possible.
2. Is there a forum where I can find a basic explanation, for exemple a quick review of the different answer choices :
"A. > wrong for this reason
B. > wrong for this reason
C. > Correct for this reason
I did not find any such comprehensive explanation, so for each gmatprep question, I am spending hours googling the answer, reading forums where everyone gives its own interpretation. On the forum such as MGMAT, stacy and ron give precious insights but just reply to questions by people but usually don't review the answers in an exhaustive manner as indicated above (I can understand why, it takes time). But maybe that would be useful that MGMAT hires someone to write clear explanations for the main GMAT prep questions ? By this I mean a clean analysis of all the answer choices.
It would save time to everyone. That would reduce the amount of questions with everyone asking a question about specific grammar aspect of the question.
As the result of this situation, I find myself (like every candidate) to 'hunt' on google for hours to try and find a correct explanation. For a question on gmatprep as simple as "For many revisionist historians, Christopher Columbus has come to personify devastation and enslavement in the name of progress that has decimated native peoples of the Western Hemisphere."
=> It took me around 20 minutes, I had to look over 5 different forums, read several pages of comments, assemble some comments from ROn Purewal, some comment from an instructor on Gmatclub, some comments of an instructor on Beatthegmat.
The result : a huge waste of time for everyone...
1. What does MGMAT think about providing a complet explanation of the GMAT prep official questions ? (A. Wrong for the following reasons ; B : wrong for the following reasons... ; C : correct for the following reasons...). That would considerably increase your forum attractiveness and would save time to thousands of people.
2. An other idea would be if MGMAT could lobby that GMATprep provides explanations. Explanations are provided in GMAT Official Guide, in the questions packs we can buy, so maybe it's time to ask for explanations also in the practice tests.
These are simple thoughts, feel free to let me know if you have the answers or ideas to help save me (and all the other people preparing the gmat) time. Many thanks for your help.