Hi there
I commenced my studies in August 2017. I went through the basics of Quant section and completed the 300 questions of the OG review guide 2017. I also went through the OG Verbal guide review 2017 but there was no specific strategy I applied. After my first diagnostic test, I was disappointed with a score of 530(V25, Q39). I focused more on sentence correction and some 700-800 level questions and took the Manhattan Prep(free test) again in October. I managed to get my score up to 570(V30, Q39). My final GMAT exam is scheduled for 9th December 2017.
I can spare 2 hours on weekdays and 5 hrs on weekends to study but not sure how to go about it. I believe most of the questions I got wrong was due to falling short of time in Quants. While for Verbal I need to focus more on sentence correction. Should I keep doing practise tests or focus on topics individually to perfect them out. Without time constraint I used to get atleast 60-70% accuracy in the 700-800 questions when tested individually.
Is it realistic to be aiming so high with a low score on both diagnostic tests? Or should I give it a try next year?
Please advise