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Set S contains seven distinct integers. The median of

by pallav789 Thu Oct 04, 2012 10:55 am

Dear Instructor

Could you please look into this problem?

Set S contains seven distinct integers. The median of set S is the integer m, and all values in set S are equal to or less than 2m. What is the highest possible average (arithmetic mean) of all values in set S ?



10m/7 - 9/7

5m/7 + 3/7


The answer i got is 10m/7 whereas the given answer is 10m/7-9/7. Source is MGMAT test.

The way I arrived at the answer is I assumed the values to be as follows m,m,m,m,2m,2m,2m in which case the median is m but the mean becomes 10m/7.
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Re: Set S contains seven distinct integers. The median of

by jnelson0612 Thu Oct 04, 2012 9:50 pm

Hi pallav,
Here's another thread about this problem: median-t11996.html

If you have any other questions please let us know and we'll help further!
Jamie Nelson
ManhattanGMAT Instructor