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table vs direct algebra?

by rkafc81 Sun Sep 25, 2011 5:49 pm


I'm confused as to whether I should always use a table with algebraic translation problems, or just do them using direct algebra? For me the table method is the easiest however I am concerned that I may not always be able to use it - i.e. that there are some algebraic translation questions where you shouldn't use a table to organise the information neatly and then derive equations from that.

Any feedback would be great!

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Re: table vs direct algebra?

by jnelson0612 Sat Oct 29, 2011 11:44 pm

n2739178 Wrote:Hi

I'm confused as to whether I should always use a table with algebraic translation problems, or just do them using direct algebra? For me the table method is the easiest however I am concerned that I may not always be able to use it - i.e. that there are some algebraic translation questions where you shouldn't use a table to organise the information neatly and then derive equations from that.

Any feedback would be great!


Question: When you say the table, do you mean age charts, or just using tables to keep variables straight?
Jamie Nelson
ManhattanGMAT Instructor