Hello Stacey,
I need some advice regarding taking a MGMT course and if it would be the wisest thing to do.
I purchased the nine MGMT books last summer and diligently worked though them, along with OG13. I scored a 540 on my first-ever practice test via Prep software. I took three MGMT tests and scored a 640 on the first two, but not in the same manner (different trends on either test). Took the GMAT in late August and received a disappointing 590 (IR 7, Essay 6). Took the three remaining MGMT tests and two slipped to 610 and 580, but then went back up to 640. I topped the GMAT Prep tests at 680, including one that was not a reset. By mid-October, I felt that I started understanding the material and OG problems much better instinctively and my timing was more instinctive too. However, the caveat is that I reset three of the MGMT test and scored from a 680 to a 720. Granted, some of the problems I had seen before, but since I was working at a higher Q level, I had not seen a majority of them. But, I still am wary that those scores are my real ability level (I like to think it is), though I believe that I can reach 690-710.
My goal was to take the GMAT after Thanksgiving, but after reassessing my strategic options, I postponed applying and thus taking the GMAT. In short, I may have jammed self-prep (even though it was rigorous self-prep) into a two-month window and since it was self-prep, may not have fully mastered or grasped the concepts as well as I should have or learned things in the most efficient manner. Generally, I learn quickly and do very well academically, but the one area I have always had to try 10x harder on than anywhere else is math. Also, I was feeling a bit of a burnout.
Post-GMAT, I felt that I started understanding the material and concepts much more instinctively and had a better grasp on timing. For example, I understood the OG enough that I could tell you how a problem could work multiple ways. However, I am not quite sure how well since I was using reset MGMT tests.
I started re-upping via the OG again and am seeing things instantaneously that took me months to grasp (though I am a bit rusty.. for example... I deduced consecutive integers would solve a problem, but it took me a few minutes and then a shower to recall how to do technically do it). So, I am not quite sure where I stand, actually...
My big question is, would I benefit from taking an MGMT course (with instructor Abby)? Or, perhaps more pointedly, is taking a class the best option? (I did some research on the MGMT site and other boards and am still not sure)
A few concerns:
- may have seen enough of the OG already
- already worked with the MGMT guides
- already utilized the six MGMT CATs
- early classes may be a bit too elementary from what I've done on my own so far
- I would see questions in class/tests etc that I have seen already (goes back to my first three points)
- I understand and reviewed strategy topics i.e. your blog posts on timing, when to skip a question, GMAT is a mental resource allocation and not intelligence test etc.
A few benefits:
- nice to work with a real instructor and other students and not simply doing this on my own for a change
- you can always learn new ways to do a problem
- timing can always improve
So Stacey, what do you think?