ikuta.yamahashi Wrote:Dear instructor:
Two questions for me.
1. According to MGMAT sc guide, "Use by only for the actual doers of the action. Use through or because of when you want to describe any instrument or means, which might be an awkward or nonsensical subject in active voice. "
It confuses me alot, because in your examples above
this result can be found by inspection.
--> correct
inspection is not the doer of the action of discover.
could you help me to slove the paradox?
2. In below sentence from prep, the right choice use by doing/buring/replacing with the subject emissions; however, it seems emission cannot burn or replace anything. I am not intent to challenge the OA, just for confirm the usuage of by doing.
The majority of scientists believe that to reduce and stabilize atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide, emissions must be cut at the source by burning fossil fuels more efficiently and, in some cases, by replacing fossil fuels altogether with alternatives such as hydrogen fuel cells
1. But someone has to be inspecting for the result to be found. Inspection isn't the doer, but the person who is the doer is using inspection. Likewise, "The answer is revealed by pushing a button" The doer in this case is not a button, but the person pushing that button.
2. Same thing in this sentence. The subject is ambiguous (we all have to burn ff more efficiently and replace ff altogether), but it's this ambiguous subject who is doing the action.
I'm not sure where in the SC guide you are reading this difference, but the use of by/through is more of a meaning issue to express whether something is the means or the end. Here's an idiomatic-ly correct illustration of when to use by/through:
We will win the war by force. (force is what will win the war)
We will win the war through diplomacy. (diplomacy will not by itself win the war, but will be a tool we will use to win the war)
Here's some more:
We will win the war...
by bombing their army. (end)
through superior technology. (means)
by capturing their capitol. (end)
through media. (means)