Questions about the world of GMAT Math from other sources and general math related questions.
Abhimanyu Sood

Tough Modulus Questions--Data Suficiency

by Abhimanyu Sood Thu May 15, 2008 2:13 am

Here are three Mod Questions from IMS GMAT...

1 ) In the number line,is R between S and T ?
a.) |r-s|<|r-t|

2.) In the number line,is s between r and T ?

3.) In the number line,is s between r and T ?

My answers are


Please let me know if someone has different answers....

by Guest Thu May 15, 2008 5:33 pm

I got

1.b, 2 e and 3.c

ManhattanGMAT Staff
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Location: Montreal

by StaceyKoprince Thu May 29, 2008 12:29 am

Sorry we haven't gotten back to you for so long - we've been swamped!

Please make sure to read (and follow!) the forum guidelines. Only one problem should be posted in each thread. I'll answer your first one here; if you'd like us to address the others, please repost them in their own threads.

I got the same thing - B.
Stacey Koprince
Director, Content & Curriculum

by Guest Tue Jun 10, 2008 3:16 pm

Stacey, could you explain how you arrived at your answer for number one (or how you'd do any of the three problems)? Double absolute value problems are a bit confusing to me b/c there are three scenarios to try, right?

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by rfernandez Fri Jun 13, 2008 1:57 am

Can't speak for how Stacey did it, but I suggest approaching these problems graphically. I look only at the first problem.

The key is to understand that |a - b| means "the distance between a and b on the number line." Try a bunch of values for a and b, varying their signs, and you'll see that this "distance" interpretation is accurate. For example, if a = -7 and b = 2, the distance between these numbers is 9 units. Also, |a - b| = |-7 - 2| = |-9| = 9

1 ) In the number line,is R between S and T ?
(1) |r - s| < |r - t|
(2) |r - s| > |s - t|

Rephrase (1): The distance between r and s is less than the distance between r and t. Draw a number line, and place r and s on it. Now, you want to place t on the number line such that t's distance from r is greater than s's distance from r. That leaves two possibilities:

This is insufficient information, therefore. r MAY be between s and t, it need not be.

Rephrase (2): The distance between r and s is greater than the distance between s and t. Draw a number line, and place r and s on it. Now, you want to place t on the number line such that t's distance from s is less than s's distance from r. That leaves two possibilities:

In either case, the answer to the question is "No." Sufficient. The answer is B.