I have all this material to cover for Quant (5 strategy guides) and it seems I don't have the necessary time to study all of it very well.
Which types of questions are the most likely to be tested?
For example, I have read that's it's quite unlikely that there will be more than 1 combinatorics question on the exam. At the same time I have a really tough time understanding this area. So if it's the case that there will most likely only be 1 question, then I might as well skip this section altogether and not focus too much time on it.
That said, which are the areas that I should focus on. I believe a number of word problems will be there. What else?
Could someone provide a rough breakdown of the number of questions (out of the 37) that will come from each field? For example 5 q algebra, 5 questions word problems, 5 questions divisibility, 2 q probability and combinatorics etc.
That would really help me in arranging my studying time wisely.