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word problem efficiency

by ChristyS378 Mon Oct 27, 2014 10:19 pm

No matter how much I study (and I've read the strategy guides), I cannot get through a single word problem in under 3 minutes. I have the most trouble setting up tables or getting organized.

I also get most rate & work/distance problems wrong.

Do you have tips on how I can:

#1: approach word problems more efficiently in the set up?
#2: Specifically tackle rate and work problems?

Thank you!

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Re: word problem efficiency

by RonPurewal Wed Oct 29, 2014 2:46 am

first, and perhaps most importantly, note that 3 minutes may not be an inappropriate amount of time.

"2 minutes" is an AVERAGE time, NOT A LIMIT.
if you actually set a goal of trying to finish every problem in 2 minutes, then, well, there will be lots of word problems that you just don't finish.
(analogy: if it takes you an average of 4 hours to paint a house, i'm sure you would not try to paint a huge mansion in 4 hours. basically, just common sense.)

as usual, the true criterion of time management actually has nothing to do with minutes and seconds. instead, the true measure of time management--as always--is this: if you're making actual progress toward a goal, then keep working. if not, then quit.
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Re: word problem efficiency

by RonPurewal Wed Oct 29, 2014 2:47 am

as far as the actual process:

first, you want to consider why word problems are "hard". that's simple: because they're presented in paragraphs.
paragraphs are an absolutely horrible way to present math information. just abominable. (imagine finding your favorite sports team in a table of standings. now, imagine how much longer that task would take if the standings were given in paragraph form.)

so, to increase efficiency, you should have 2 goals:

organization and problem-solving are different tasks, so separate them.

get everything out of the paragraph as soon as you can, and then never look at it again.

by #1, i basically mean this:

• FIRST, set up a chart/list/table/diagram/whatever. do not do any math whatsoever at this point.

• THEN insert all your numbers, write down all your relationships, and indicate the goal of the problem.

once you've done these two things, you should NEVER need to look back at the problem text, ever again, ever ever. never.
(point #2 above)
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Re: word problem efficiency

by RonPurewal Wed Oct 29, 2014 2:47 am

if this sounds weird, just think about making spreadsheets in real life--a process that ALWAYS works this way. (when you first make spreadsheets, they're empty; you don't start putting numbers and formulas into them until AFTER you've made them!)

note that you don't even need to pick a strategy (algebra, plugging, backsolving, whatever) until after you've done ALL of the above. (analogously, you don't have to decide what you're going to do with a spreadsheet until after you've made it and filled in numbers and formulas.)
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Joined: Tue Aug 14, 2007 8:23 am

Re: word problem efficiency

by RonPurewal Wed Oct 29, 2014 2:49 am

if all of the above discussion (sweet-sounding as it is) is a bit abstract for you, there are a few sessions on word problems recorded here:

scroll down to the archive, or just search the page for "word" (or "word problems" or whatever). then you'll see these kinds of things in action.