YLAGUNAS Wrote:Rule #6 states V cannot be prescribed unless both H and M are prescribed. I diagrammed it like this:
~H and ~M --> ~V
( V--> H or M)
Can you tell me if this is wrong? I looked at a youtube (

) video and the instructor diagrammed it as follows:
H and M--> V
(~V--> ~H OR ~M)
please clarify which is correct, thank you!
That rule is diagrammed as:
V ---> H and M
Its contrapositive would be:
~ H or ~M ---> ~V
This is one way of how to read unless statements. What comes after unless is the necessary part. Do not negate it. What comes prior to unless is the sufficient part and you will negate it.
~A unless B and C
A ---> B and C
Sometimes you will have an unless statement that is formed this way.
Unless B happens, A does not happen.
The part immediately following unless is still the necessary condition. The part after that condition is what is being referred to, the idea of A not happening. So this is our sufficient condition and we will negate it. (A negation of a negated A is positive A)
So we would diagram it like this: A ---> B
And, to be clear, when we have a situation like A ---> B and C...
The contrapositive will have ~B or ~C ---> ~A
This is due to the fact that we only need one of those necessary conditions absent to guarantee A's absence. We can have both absent, but we all we have to have is just one absent.