I noticed an alarming trend for me personally with the most recent tests...
I had been chugging through pts 40-58 since july as full timed tests...I had been scoring perfect or near perfect on pretty much all of these tests on the LG section
However, I have saved the most recent tests 59+ for these last two weeks. I took 66, 68, 66, and 61 in the last 8 days and saw a big drop in my score on LG (average wrong is +4 with the highest wrong was dropping 9 questions on the last two games of PT 68).
With this in mind, I have revamped my strategy with the goal of completing all of the 60s tests (at least the LGs timed sections) by next Monday.
I will then run full timed sections of 59+ during off days in the remaining time before the test.
I guess my question boils down to three parts:
1. Are the newer games sections harder? I am finding that I tear through the first one or two games at high speed (for ex. finished the first two games of PT 68 in 8 minutes with perfect accuracy but proceeded to fail terribly on the last two games). I am also finding a few "weird games" that I cannot seem to picture mentally (test day trap major flaw #2 as stated in the MLSAT LG book).
2. Is my revamped strategy ok for trying to take the 60s test earlier to see what I am up against? I saved PT 69 as a true litmus test for this coming saturday.
3. is the strategy of running [and reviewing] full modern (59+ tests) game sections the best I can do to prepare at this point? Anything else that you recommend?
I was pretty shaken because I thought I had gotten games under control and this is my third attempt after a year of doing this -- I am solid on the other sections.
Thanks in advance for your feedback! This forum has been a lifesaver...I owe a lot of my improvement to the techniques in the MLSAT books and to this forum...
You guys rock