by ohthatpatrick Tue Sep 19, 2017 2:48 pm
A graduated tax means that you pay different tax rates on different layers of income.
Let's say that
$0 - 50k: no tax
$50 - 100k: 20%
$100k - 200k: 25%
$200k and up: 30%
That would mean that someone who makes $45k pays no tax.
Someone who makes $105k would pay this:
$0 - 50k: nothing
$50 - 100k: 20% of $50k = $10k
$100k - 105k: 25% of $5k = $1.2k
A total of $11.2 k
If you make $1 million, you'll also pay
$0 - 50k: nothing
$50 - 100k: 20% of $50k = $10k
and then it gets different
$100 - 200k: 25% of $100k = $25k
$200 - 1000k: 30% of $800k = $240k
Total tax = $275 k
Meanwhile, in a flat tax system, there is only one interest rate for all levels of income over a certain threshold.
So let's say we are in a 25% flat tax system, where the initial threshold is $50k (the primary layer of $0 - 50k is exempted)
There, someone making $105k would pay 25% on the $65k over the $50k threshold.
Someone making $1 million would pay 25% on the $950k over the $50k threshold.
Hope this helps.