by ohthatpatrick Thu Nov 03, 2016 2:01 pm
Perfume should / shouldn't be taken seriously as a form of art.
Author's VP/Purpose
Highlight a Deficiency: Perfume hasn't been given the attention it should as a great art.
Line 4 - "it seems odd that so few have done X" means that the author's focus is that we SHOULD do X.
Line 7 - "why not taken more seriously?"; when authors pose questions, the question is almost always integral to the purpose of the passage.
Important Lines (usually Author's view)
Line 13-14 and lines 29-33 establish the parallel the author wants to draw between oil painting and perfuming.
Line 44-47 telegraphs that the final paragraph will be where the author theorizes about WHY perfume has received less attention than it should (perfume is largely made by unartistic corporations nowadays - they take cost-saving shortcuts with the recipe, which compromises the artistry of the original perfume)
Paragraph 1
Establishing the Deficiency: so much time and enthusiasm is spent dissecting oil paintings, so little is spent analzying perfumes.
Paragraph 2
Part I of comparing Oil Painting to Perfumes: this discusses oil painting
Paragraph 3
Part II of comparing Oil Painting to Perfume: this discusses how perfume making overlaps with stuff we heard about oil painting.
Paragraph 4
Author's theory about why perfume gets less attention as art than it should.
Takeaway/Pattern: This is a pretty easy structure to diagnose. The author spends the whole first paragraph complaining that critics don't give the same level of attention to perfume that they do to oil painting. We get our thesis as the first sentence of the 2nd paragraph, after the class "but/yet/however/recently" pivot. We just need to pay attention when we start the fourth paragraph to see that the author is going beyond the topic of "why perfume should get more attention" and now getting into "why perfume hasn't been getting enough attention".