SIDE A (old): sequential computing on one computer, one calculation at a time.
SIDE B (new): parallel computing, simultaneous calculations, much more processing power
Author's VP/Purpose
To present the nature-inspired innovations of Emeagwali's parallel computing breakthroughs
Important Lines (usually Author's view)
The first sentence is the best thesis statement we get.
Paragraph 1
Thesis + Single/Sequential computing vs. Parallel computing + Intro to E's first breakthrough (flow of oil)
Paragraph 2
Problem/Solution for modeling oil flow, using insight of tree branching
Paragraph 3
E's 2nd breakthrough for modeling weather patterns, using insight of honeycomb geometry
Takeaway/Pattern: This is a glowing one-sided article on Emeagwali. So we should ask, "what makes him special / noteworthy?" The two big ideas are parallel computing and nature-inspired ideas.