One thing that I thought was really significant in this passage was the phrases denoting sufficient conditions (sorry to get all LR on you!). We see phrases like "led to," "made possible by," or "enabled them" quite frequently and I think this is something that I should try to pick up on more. These cause and effect relationships were the basis of several questions (#10, 11, and 12).
I actually broke up paragraph 1 into two paragraphs, cutting it up at line 17 beginning with "Before the formation..." I thought it made sense to do so as it created two smaller and clearer chunks of information with clear topic sentences. Here was my passage map...
- Paragraph 1: Need for women physicians led to increased opportunity (especially in Canton, China)
Paragraph 1.5: There were obstacles to these opportunities, namely overcome by the $$$ raised by foreign mission societies
Paragraph 2: Benefits of women (in China especially) working as missionaries
Paragraph 3: Further ramifications - more female physicians, independent incomes, private practice opening
Paragraph 4: The "payoff" - the most important result of all of this = the increase opportunity and role for women
Main Point/Author's Opinion: the consequences of letting these single women go abroad as missionaries had significant ramifications, namely in the establishment of women's status/strength and opportunity for them
How does that look?