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Vinny Gambini
Vinny Gambini
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Passage Discussion

by db_8400 Mon Aug 11, 2014 1:21 pm

Can anyone please draw up a scale for this particular passage ?
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Vinny Gambini
Vinny Gambini
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Re: Passage Discussion

by db_8400 Mon Aug 11, 2014 3:11 pm

I believe the scale would look something like this.

Language corresponds in some essential way to objects and behaviors VS. Language and things is a matter of agreed upon conventions

And the author weighing in on matter of agreed upon conventions or on the fence?
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Re: Passage Discussion

by ohthatpatrick Thu Aug 14, 2014 1:42 pm

Great job!

This is definitely one of the tougher reads in RC .. it makes us all feel lucky we didn't choose a career in linguistics.

I think you nailed the scale and I think the author stays neutral. There's more time given to "agreed upon conventions", and this is the side of the scale that represents the current fashion. But I still think the author might be subtly skeptical of it. He agrees with the latter theory in regards to science (32-34 is author attitude). But he seems to question how this view makes sense for pure math. And given that he kinda gives these latter linguists a homework assignment in the last passage, I think he has some lingering qualms about buying into the latter theory.

In general, I wouldn't put the author on the scale. I would say that the last paragraph has the feel of "Author Zone", if only in the subtle sense of "Now that I've give you an update as to where this scholarly debate currently is ... let me give a nudge to where I think the debate should go next".

P1 - Background of how language and math is central to the function of explanatory science
P2 - Introduction to the debate ... "language corresponds in an essential way" vs. "language is an evolving, agreed upon convention"
P3 - The second side of the scale is discussed, as it is gaining prominence in the linguistic community
P4 - Implications for future research on the subject is discussed