Question Type:
Explain the Discrepancy
Stimulus Breakdown:
Lightning can produce amino acids if the environment is rich in H and lean in O.
When life began, Earth's atmosphere was rich in O and lean in N at the time.
Answer Anticipation:
GIVEN THAT lightning needs "high H, low O" environment to make amino acids (thereby enabling life) and
GIVEN THAT Earth was "High O, low N" when life started,
HOW COULD IT BE THAT lightning made the first amino acids?
We don't normally try to predict answers on this question type, but it seems possible that amino acids came way before life began. If so, maybe the Earth's atmosphere at that earlier time was set up in the "high H, low O" way that lightning likes.
Correct Answer:
Answer Choice Analysis:
(A) Yes, this could work. It explains how there might have been pockets of reducing atmosphere that lightning could have struck, even within an Earthly atmosphere that was NOT conducive to lightning.
(B) This tells us nothing about how lightning could have done its magic in the wrong type of atmosphere.
(C) This tells us nothing about how lightning could have done its magic in the wrong type of atmosphere.
(D) This tells us nothing about how lightning could have done its magic in the wrong type of atmosphere.
(E) This tells us nothing about how lightning could have done its magic in the wrong type of atmosphere.
Takeaway/Pattern: The complexity of the paragraph and question stem make this one tricky. If manage to tease out our task of, "Given that Earth had the wrong type of atmosphere at the time, how did lightning manage to make amino acids?", then (A) is the only answer that seems to provide any sort of explanation for how lightning at that time could have gotten around the incorrect atmosphere problem.