Question Type:
Principle-Strengthen (which principle most justifies)
Stimulus Breakdown:
Conclusion: Gardeners' using lots of peat moss as a soil conditioner is NOT environmentally sound.
Evidence: Peat moss is derived from sphagnum moss, which is a crucial source of atmospheric oxygen, and the garden soil industry is depleting this source.
Answer Anticipation:
The buzzword of the conclusion is whether something is or isn't "environmentally sound". So we'll definitely need a principle that helps instruct us how to judge whether something is or isn't environmentally sound. We know that there is a good thing and a bad thing with using peat moss, derived from sphagnum, to condition soil. The author clearly thinks that the bad thing outweighs the good thing. So we need an answer to help us feel like "depleting one of the world's biggest sources of atmospheric oxygen" is a very bad, environmentally unsound thing.
Correct Answer:
Answer Choice Analysis:
(A) Way too wishy-washy: it MAY be environmentally unsound?
(B) Yes! This gives us a rule that says "if it reduces atmospheric oxygen, it's environmentally unsound". We know the practice of using peat moss in the garden soil industry triggers the left side idea, and thus we get the conclusion we were looking for.
(C) Reversed logic. This is a rule that says "if it's xyz, then it's environmentally SOUND". That sort of rule has no power to prove that something is "environmentally UNSOUND".
(D) Same as (C). This rule could only prove that something is environmentally SOUND, but never could it prove UNSOUND.
(E) This is a rule that allows you to conclude "we should BAN a practice". But this argument isn't concluding "we should ban a practice", just that "the practice is environmentally unsound".
Takeaway/Pattern: One of the most common shortcuts on Principle-Strengthen questions is just having a strict awareness of what idea you're looking to prove in the Conclusion. We are trying to prove "environmentally unsound", and only (B) gives us a rule that could do so. Thus, most of these answers aren't even worth a close reading.