Question Type:
Determne the Function
Stimulus Breakdown:
If people saw the pharaoh's mastery of the physical world they would be loyal without military coercion.
Spending as much wealth on ceremonial architecture as was spent on infrastructure was not simply frivolous.
Answer Anticipation:
The statement described in the question stem is the argument's conclusion.
Correct Answer:
Answer Choice Analysis:
(A) Correct. This describes the role correctly. "Psychological effects" corresponds to the people remaining loyal as a result of realizing the pharaoh's mastery of the physical world.
(B) Incorrect role. The statement in the question stem is the argument's conclusion, not something offered in support of a claim.
(C) Incorrect role. Like (B), this describes the statement in the question stem as a supporting premise, which is incorrect.
(D) Incorrect role. Again, "offered as an illustration" indicates something offered as support, which is not what the statement in the question stem does. Also, the principle described in this answer choice is stronger and more general than any of the claims made in the argument.
(E) Incorrect role. Like the other incorrect answers, this describes the statement in the question stem as a supporting premise.
Takeaway/Pattern: Incorrect answers in Determine the Function questions often incorrectly describe the role played by the statement in the question stem. Recognizing and eliminating these answers quickly is the key to speed.