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Jackie Chiles
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Q15 - If all works of art

by rbolden Tue Sep 28, 2010 9:22 pm


I narrowed down the answer choices to A and C and ultimately picked C, which is the right answer. But I am having a hard time explaining exactly why A is incorrect. Can you explain?

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Re: Q15 - If all works of art

by da.chou Wed Sep 29, 2010 3:36 am

This questions was a lot of fun for me because it has a conditional statement as part of a bigger conditional statement. I spent a lot of time just looking at the structure of the question and each answer choice but Atlas people feel free to correct me if I've made any mistakes.

Without all the complex clauses, it looks like this:

1. If 1 and 2 -> 3
2. But not 3 -> so not 1 or not 2

A. Mixes it up big time. Second sentence should read "But bio is not canceled" but instead reads "But bio is not a class." It falls apart after that. This would be equiv to the stim. saying "But this sculpture is not a work of art."

B. I felt B was a lot more challenging. But it just goes to show how important and how obvious the "and" is in the very last cause.

C. Fits perfectly.

D. Conclusion is off.

E. Mixes it up big time and turns it into a If 1 -> 2 and 3. Then further screws it up with something that appears to be Not 2 -> Not 1 or Not 3.
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Re: PT 41, Section 1, Question 15

by farhadshekib Wed Aug 17, 2011 2:23 pm

You can reach the right answer to this one by just comparing the conclusion of the stim to the answer choices.

Like you, I choose (A) over (C); stupid error, but I was rushed for time.

Anyhow, the conclusion of the stim states:

"So either this sculpture is NOT a work of art, OR NOT ALL works of art evoke intense feelings".

A) "So the biology lab is not canceled, OR SOME classes are not canceled. (ELIMINATE)

B) "So not all medical research is significant, AND this research is not medical". (ELIMINATE)

C) "So not all vitamins are safe in large doses, OR beta-carotene is not a vitamin". (LEAVE IT FOR NOW)

D) "So clinical psychology is not a science". (Where is the dual option? ELIMINATE)

E) "So SOME classes are not canceled or the library is open". (Eliminate)
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Re: Q15 - If all works of art

by ManhattanPrepLSAT1 Wed Dec 26, 2012 6:46 pm

The reasoning in this argument is a clever application of both the positive and contrapositive argument forms.

(WA → EIF) + WA → EIF
~WA or ~(WA → EIF)

Correct Answer
Answer choice (C) possesses the same reasoning form as the stimulus.
(V → SLD) + V → SLD
~V or ~(V → SLD)

Incorrect Answers
(A) should have stated in the second sentence, "But the biology lab is not cancelled..."
(B) should have used the word "or" instead of the word "and" in the last statement.
(D) should have included in the last sentence, "or not all sciences rely heavily on mathematics."
(E) places the conjunction "and" in the out come of the first statement, when it should have placed it in the trigger.