by farhadshekib Wed Aug 17, 2011 2:23 pm
You can reach the right answer to this one by just comparing the conclusion of the stim to the answer choices.
Like you, I choose (A) over (C); stupid error, but I was rushed for time.
Anyhow, the conclusion of the stim states:
"So either this sculpture is NOT a work of art, OR NOT ALL works of art evoke intense feelings".
A) "So the biology lab is not canceled, OR SOME classes are not canceled. (ELIMINATE)
B) "So not all medical research is significant, AND this research is not medical". (ELIMINATE)
C) "So not all vitamins are safe in large doses, OR beta-carotene is not a vitamin". (LEAVE IT FOR NOW)
D) "So clinical psychology is not a science". (Where is the dual option? ELIMINATE)
E) "So SOME classes are not canceled or the library is open". (Eliminate)