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Elle Woods
Elle Woods
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by steves Thu May 28, 2015 12:27 am

When I drew a separate diagram to solve this question, I accounted for H and M having to be on separate screens, but I did not realize they could float between 1 and 2--so I put H & R in screen 1 and M & S (floating between 7 & 9) in screen 2. With that incorrect diagram, (A), (C), and (E) are all must be true. Unlike LR and RC questions, I've been pulling the trigger at the first (which is usually the only) correct answer--which is perhaps what LSAC was tempting me to do with (A). Besides getting the diagram right, are there any clues to confirm or increase confidence in the correct answer (or to cast doubt on a potentially picked wrong answer) without checking all the wrong answers?
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Atticus Finch
Atticus Finch
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Re: Q16

by rinagoldfield Wed Jun 03, 2015 1:23 pm

That’s a great question, Steves. Unfortunately, you laid out the only real solution: check all of the answers. However, this check doesn’t have to be as elaborate as on the LR or the RC section. ****You do NOT have to disprove the wrong answers.**** Rather, a quick scan is the way to go. Screen over the answer choices to see if any match your diagram – if more than one does on a MBT question, you know it’s time to rethink that diagram.

As you noted, the (A) trap is indeed a trap. :( Watch out!