For question 16 why is the answer D? Couldn't there be two topazes? With a setup of FGJKXY?
Here's the explanation (note I'll be working off the diagram Noah posted earlier on this same thread):
If exactly 2 rubies are selected, that means that means that at least 4 of the jewels are accounted for - 2 rubies and then at least 2 topazes.
But do we know a little more? Yes, actually. Since exactly 2 rubies are selected, then we know it is not the case that exactly 1 ruby is selected. Since there is not exactly 1 ruby selected, using the contrapositive of constraint 2 on our original list, we know there are not exactly 2 sapphires selected. Since we can either have 1 or 2 sapphires, and 2 has been eliminated, we must have exactly 1 sapphire.
I hope this helps. Let me know if you have follow up questions or comments