It is an unusual logic game question but it is easy to handle in this game.
I framed this game, as we know that R must either go in 3 or 4 based on the rules.
Here is my setup:

For this question, I would literally write down each variable and place them on one side or the other to indicate whether it could go into at most 2 spots.
I know that R is one of these. I place R to the left of my global diagram. I know that T and Y also fit the bill. The T has to be either 1 or 2. Y has to be either 2 or 3. I place T and Y in a vertical column below my R. So far I have three variables that can accomplish what is asked.
I now have S, X, and V. I know that V is a floater and there is no way that it has to be set to only 2 spots. V could go into all 6 spots! I now have S and X. The S would be limited to only two in the first frame, either 4 or 5, but S could also go 1, 2, or 3 in the second frame. So S can go into 5 different spots! S will join V in the column for those that do not fit the bill. We now have X. We know that X could never be part of the second frame 1-3. It would require S to be with it and it would force 4 variables into three spots because we know that T and Y must go into spots 1-3 in some fashion. So X must in spot 5 or 6 in the second frame. In the first frame, are things any different for X? No. X could never be fourth in this frame, as S would have nowhere to go to be before it. So X must be limited to slots 5 and 6. X is limited to two spots as well.
We have a total of four.