to the previous poster, yes (B) is about the UNIVERSITY's budget, so it has no relevance to the conclusion, which is about the budgets of SCHOLARLY JOURNALS.
to the last poster, you're right that we COULD spin some story in which the universities are a minority of subscribers but still have a significant impact on the revenue of scholarly journals.
Make sure you realize that a correct answer to Strengthen doesn't PROVE, and a correct answer to Weaken doesn't REFUTE.
Is there an answer choice here that you think weakens MORE than (D)?
If not, you have to go with (D) as the credited response. A lot of correct answers to Weaken are pretty unsatisfying because all they do is introduce some doubt ... they don't convince us of anything.
But that's how litigators weaken each other's cases. They introduce doubt into the jury's mind. There's no mic-drop, "Case dismissed" moments.
We all agree with you, though, that (D) is a pretty lame correct answer.