This may be a silly post, but I'm hoping to get some guidance/best practices on how to approach skipping a question re: bubbling and making a note to come back to it. Admittedly, I took my first 5-8 practice tests without bubbling at all and even gave myself extra time after sections to return to questions I hadn't answered, so I'm currently working on incorporating a strategy behind skipping questions to make it through the questions I am more comfortable answering.
I am currently struggling with whether or not to bubble a guess in right away before proceeding or leaving a bubble blank and filling it in after completing the remainder of the questions. I also have not tightened up a process for how to notate where the question I skipped is to quickly refer back to it towards the end of a section when I'm feeling more stressed about time.
I imagine that having a consistent approach to how I proceed after making the (usually stressful) decision that I need to move on will help me refocus my efforts on the next question and that having a convention that will lead me directly back to questions I skipped will put me a bit at ease.
Any thoughts?